Moths of North Antrim & Beyond
About Me
Why Moths?
Moths - The Poor Relation
Myths About Moths Part 1
Myths About Moths Part 2
Moths in Folklore
Why Moths Matter Part 1
Why Moths Matter Part 2
Why Moths Matter Part 3
The Diversity of Moths
Weird & Wonderful Moths
Scarce Moths of North Antrim
Cool Cats
Magical Metamorphosis
Coming Soon - Moth Conservation
Gallery - Larger Moths of North Antrim and Beyond
Swift Moths
Foresters and Burnets
Hook-tips & Lutestrings
Eggars and Lappets
Kentish Glory & Emperor
Geometrids 1 - Mochas & Waves
Geometrids 2 - Carpets
Geometrids 3 - Pugs
Geometrids 4 - Treble-bars, Thorns & Umbers etc
Geometrids 5 - Emeralds
Prominent & Kittens
Tussocks, Ermines, Tiger, Footman etc
Noctuids 1 - Y's, Gems to Straws
Noctuids 2 - Xyleninae
Noctuids 3 - Brocades, Quaker etc
Noctuinae - Darts, Yellow Underwings etc
Black Arches and Silver Lines
Gallery - A Selection of Micro Moths of North Antrim & Beyond
01 Micropterigidae
02 Eriocraniidae
04 Nepticulidae
06 Heliozelidae
07 Adelidae: Longhorns
08 Incurvariidae
09 Prodoxidae
10 Tischeriidae
11 Psychidae
12 Tineidae
31 Peleopodidae
14 Bucculatricidae
15 Gracillariidae
16 Yponomeutidae
17 Ypsolophidae
18 Plutellidae
19 Glyphipterigidae
20 Argyresthiidae
21 Lyonetiidae
22 Praydidae
28 Oecophoridae
29 Chimabachidae
31 Peleopodidae
32 Depressariidae
35 Gelechiidae
36 Batrachedridae
37 Coleophoridae
38 Elachistidae
39 Parametriotidae
40 Momphidae
41 Blastobasidae
42 Stathmopodidae
44 Alucitidae
45 Pterophoridae: Plume Moths
46 Schreckensteiniidae
47 Epermeniidae
48 Choreutidae
49 Tortrix Moths
62 Pyralidae
63 Crambidae
Coming Soon - Moths Sites of North Antrim
Breen Oakwood
Murlough Bay
Garry Bog
White Park Bay
Latest Moth News
It's Not Everyday You Get a First
My First New Moth of 2024
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49 Tortrix Moths
49.004 Ditula angustiorana - Red-barred Tortrix
49.005 Epagoge grotina - Brown Barred Tortrix
49.009 Capua vulgana - Pale-shouldered Tortix
49.013 Archips podana - Large Fruit-tree Tortrix
49.015 Archips xylosteana - Variegated Golden Tortrix
49.025 Pandemis cerasana - Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix
49.028 Syndemis musculana - Dark-barred Tortrix
49.026 Pandemis heparana Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix
49.029 Lozotaenia forsterana - Large Ivy Tortrix
49.031 Zelotherses paleana (Timothy Tortrix)
49.038 Clepsis consimilana - Rufous Tortrix
49.037 Clepsis spectrana - Cyclamen Tortrix
49.039 Epiphyas postvittana - Light Brown Apple Moth
49.045 Eana osseana - Dotted Cloak
49.048 Eana penziana - Northern Mottled Cloak
49.059 Tortrix viridana - Green Oak Tortrix
49.061 Acelris holmiana - White-marked Tortrix
49.065/6 Acleris comariana/laterana - Strawberry Tortrix/Dark-marked Tortrix
49.067 Acleris abietana - Fir Tortrix
49.071 Acleris emargana/effractana - Scalloped/Northern Scalloped Tortrix
49.069 Acleris sparsana - Lead-coloured Tortrix
49.077 Acleris variegana - Garden Rose Tortrix
49.078 Acleris aspersana - Small Rufous Tortrix
40.090 Eulia ministrana (The Minister)
49.106 Gynnidomorpha minimana - Fen Straw
49.109 Agapeta hamana - Garden Straw
49.111 Eupoecilia angustana
49.113 Thyraylia nana (=Cochylis nana) - Birch Straw
49.115 Aethes piercei - Greater Marbled Straw
49.146 Apotomis semifasciana - Short-barred Marble
49.149 Apotomis turbidana - White-shouldered Marble
49.150 Apotomis betuletana - Birch Marble
49.154 Orthotaenia undulana - Dusky Marble
49.156 Hedya nubiferana - Marbled Orchard Tortrix
49.157 Hedya pruniana - Plum Tortrix
49.159 Hedya atropunctana - Black-spot Marble
49.164 Celypha cespotana - Thyme Marble
49.166 Celypha lacunana - Common Marble
49.172 Phiaris schulziana - Large Marble
49.184 Lobesia reliquana - Wood Marble
49.188 Endothenia marginana - Bordered Marble
49.193 Endothenia quadrimaculana - Marsh Marble
49.194 Bactra sp (prob lancealana (Common Lance))
49.207 Ancylis geminana - Willow Hook-wing
49.211 Ancylis myrtillana - Bilberry Hook-wing
49.214 Ancylis badiana - Meadow Hook-wing
49.223 Rhopobota naevana - Holly Tortrix
49.224 Spilonota ocellana - Bud Moth
49.230 Epinotia trigonella - White-blotched Roller
49.240 Epinotia immundana - Birch Tortrix
49.245 Epinotia pygmaeana - Dingy Spruce Tortrix
49.249 Epinotia ramella - Black-marked Tortrix
49.233 Epinotia solandriana - Varied Birch Roller
49.238 Epinotia cruciana - Willow Tortrix
49.254 Epinotia bilunana - Crescent Tortrix
49.257 Zeiraphera griseana - Larch Tortrix
49.259 Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana - Spruce Bud Moth
49.260 Zeiraphera isertana - Mottled Oak Tortrix
49.264 Eucosma obumbratana - Shaded Tortrix
49.265 Eucosma cana - Hoary Tortrix
49.269 Eucosma campoliliana - Pied Tortrix
49.285 Epiblema scutulana - Thistle Root-borer
49.292 Notocelia cynosbatella - Black Cloak
49.294 Notocelia uddmanniana - Bramble Shoot Moth
49.296 Notocelia incarnatana - Scarce Rose Shoot Moth
49.322 Dichrorampha plumbagana - Lead-coloured Yarrow Moth
49.354 Grapholita jungiella - Beautiful Crescent
49.360 Pammene splendidulana - Shining Oak Tortrix
49.363 Pammene argyrana - Oak Gall Moth
49.367 Pammene fasciana (Acorn Piercer)