Latest Moth News
My First New Moth of 2024

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Short trip to Kildare leads to a new moth for me.
A couple of nights away for my son's 16th birthday, to take in a motorsport event. I was under strict instructions, no birds, no mammals and especially no moths. I "accidentally" found these moth larvae just outside the hotel.
They might look boring, clinging onto an old gravestone, but these little caterpillars build a protective case, of lichen and grains of the stone they are on, around themselves as protection.
All examples of this species that have been found in Ireland are female. They are flightless and self fertile, so don't need any males. Pretty amazing little insects.

They might look boring, clinging onto an old gravestone, but these little caterpillars build a protective case, of lichen and grains of the stone they are on, around themselves as protection.
All examples of this species that have been found in Ireland are female. They are flightless and self fertile, so don't need any males. Pretty amazing little insects.

11.008 Luffia lapidella - Ramshorn Bagworm