Why Moths?
Weird & Wonderful Moths

One of our largest moths, the Eyed Hawk-moth in it’s normal resting pose is drab and and camouflaged against tree trunks. When it is threatened though, it exposes the large blue eyes on the hindwing. Sometimes it will wiggle it’s body and hindwings to further emphasis this defensive strategy. This species is present, though scarce in North Antrim.

The Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth is a bumblebee mimic to avoid being eaten. It has recently been found at a number of sites in North Antrim. It is a day-flyer in similar flower rich habitats in which bees are found. And don't worry it doesn't sting.

Another master of mimicry, this time of a wasp, is the Lunar Hornet Moth. Again it cannot sting, but fools predators by it’s appearance. It’s early life is interesting as well. The female lies her eggs on the bark of a willow tree. The hatched larvae burrows into the trunk of the tree, feeding on the internal wood. After a year it emerges, only to re-enter the tree further up, and feeding for another year, before it finally emerges as an adult moth.

The female Vapourer is one of a number species which is flightless. Instead it relies on the release of pheromones to attract males. Unfortunately this means that if the species is lost from an area recolonisation is difficult, especially when habitats are isolated.

China Mark moths such as the Beautiful China-Mark are unusual in that their larvae are entirely aquatic, living underwater on water lily leaves and bur-reeds.