Gallery - A Selection of Micro Moths of North Antrim & Beyond
Some the smaller moths of North Antrim and Beyond. Some of these images need to checked in terms of confirmation of identification. Hopefully I will adding more species, and more photos on natural backgrounds) to this gallery over the months and years to come.

01 Micropterigidae

02 Eriocraniidae

04 Nepticulidae

06 Heliozelidae

07 Adelidae: Longhorns

08 Incurvariidae

09 Prodoxidae

11 Psychidae

12 Tineidae

15 Gracillariidae

16 Yponomeutidae

17 Ypsolophidae

18 Plutellidae

19 Glyphipterigidae

20 Argyresthiidae

22 Praydidae

28 Oecophoridae

29 Chimabachidae

31 Peleopodidae

32 Depressariidae

35 Gelechiidae

36 Batrachedridae

37 Coleophoridae

38 Elachistidae

39 Parametriotidae

40 Momphidae

41 Blastobasidae

44 Alucitidae

45 Pterophoridae: Plume Moths

46 Schreckensteiniidae

47 Epermeniidae

49 Tortrix Moths

62 Pyralidae