Why Moths?
Why study them, why are they important and why do they get such a bad press? A series of articles looking into these much maligned insects.
Myths About Moths Part 1
Moths are small, brown and boring - Right?
Small Elephant Hawk-moth Deilephila porcellus
Myths About Moths Part 2
Some more of the common myths about moths.
The Stunning Swallow-tailed Moth as large and beautiful as our butterflies ...more
Moths in Folklore
Symbols of Purity, Links to Our Ancestors, Signs of Hope and Renewal or Harbingers of Doom?
White moths such as the White Ermine have a different meaning to cultures around the world
Why Moths Matter Part 1
Part one in why moths are important and what they do for us.
Caterpillars are herds of mini grazers turning vegetation into nutrients and building soils
Why Moths Matter Part 2
The second part of my moths are important to us all.
Moths such as the stunning Burnished Brass are the key pollinators of many of our wild orchids, such as the Butterfly Orchid. The flowers have co-evolved with moths, giving of their greatest fragrance at night. The moths long proboscis is required to access the nectar, whilst to sepals required for pollination are perfectly located to attach to the head of the moth.
Why Moths Matter Part 3
The Intrinsic Value of Moths and How they have Inspired Humans.
The Sallow Kitten is not overly rare, but it is a favourite of mine. It took me several years to find one and I still smile every time I find one
The Diversity of Moths
The Variety of Moths in North Antrim & Beyond
The wooded Glens of Antrim are very important for many moth species, including several rare species
Weird & Wonderful Moths

One of our largest moths, the Eyed Hawk-moth in it’s normal resting pose is drab and and camouflaged against tree trunks. When it is threatened though, it exposes the large blue eyes on the hindwing. Sometimes it will wiggle it’s body and hindwings to further emphasis this defensive strategy. This species is present, though scarce in North Antrim.
Scarce Moths of North Antrim
All moth species are important, both in their own right, but also for their ecological role, but some of North Antrim’s moths have an added conservation value due to their scarcity.
Murlough Bay is the only known location for the Yellow-ringed Carpet in Ireland. ...more
Cool Cats
Most moths spend the majority of their lives as caterpillars or pupae, with some only spending a few days as an adult moth.
The stunning caterpillar of the Chamomile Shark only feeds on a few plant species in North Antrim, but in particular Scentless Mayweed. This plant is primarily coastal, therefore so is the moth.
Magical Metamorphosis
The transitions from egg to caterpillar to pupa to adult moths and butterflies have fascinated and inspired humans for centuries.
The Life Cycle of the Emperor Moth in North Antrim. From the female laying eggs, to the caterpillar, then pupating in a cocoon, to finally the male in flight.