2013/14 News
Sad Ending - Sei Whale

Sei Whale which stranded along the Antrim coast
Sometimes nature is harsh and this weekend was one such occasion. This juvenile Sei Whale beached on the shores at the base of the beautiful Queen of the Glens - Glenariff on the Antrim Coast. Sadly it was to weak and distressed to attempt a rescue and soon died at the scene.
In July 2006 a young 10m long sei whale Balaenoptera borealis swam into Larne Lough this was the first confirmed stranding of this species on the coast of Ireland in almost 100 years. To have a second sub adult so soon afterwards and so close by is very unusual.
If a positive can be delivered from such an event lets hope it has enlightened some of the hundreds of visitors to fantastic marine mammals we have around our coast, and how our seas need to be protected.
For information on these Ireland,s other cetaceans why not visit the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group website click the link below or click the Links button above. Irish Whale and Dolphin Group
In July 2006 a young 10m long sei whale Balaenoptera borealis swam into Larne Lough this was the first confirmed stranding of this species on the coast of Ireland in almost 100 years. To have a second sub adult so soon afterwards and so close by is very unusual.
If a positive can be delivered from such an event lets hope it has enlightened some of the hundreds of visitors to fantastic marine mammals we have around our coast, and how our seas need to be protected.
For information on these Ireland,s other cetaceans why not visit the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group website click the link below or click the Links button above. Irish Whale and Dolphin Group