2011 News
Dragon Hunting Part1

Swifts in Flight
On the journey south
Saturday week ago fellow photographer Jon Lees and I decided to travel south into Co Louth in search of new and wonderful wildlife. There are legends of mystical dragons and other beasts rarely encountered in Northern Ireland.
I was up and about before 5am and ready to go, well almost. I'd forgotten to fuel the car the night before so I would have to stop and fill up on the way. I'm very am glad of this oversight.
As pulled up at the well known supermarket chains car park for a few supplies and fuel I noticed a flock of 30 or so Swifts flying low over my car. The perfect opportunity to get the camera set up for the day. The low morning light was perfect and by now I was nearly fully awake, but it still wasn't easy to capture these speedsters in flight, well their name should be a good clue. I always enjoy the challenge of flight photography and the faster the subject the more I seem to enjoy it.
I stayed for about ten minutes snapping as they went past every so often before I had to hit the road again before being late to meet up with Jon further south.
When I got home and check the results I have to say was rather pleased with the results!
I was up and about before 5am and ready to go, well almost. I'd forgotten to fuel the car the night before so I would have to stop and fill up on the way. I'm very am glad of this oversight.
As pulled up at the well known supermarket chains car park for a few supplies and fuel I noticed a flock of 30 or so Swifts flying low over my car. The perfect opportunity to get the camera set up for the day. The low morning light was perfect and by now I was nearly fully awake, but it still wasn't easy to capture these speedsters in flight, well their name should be a good clue. I always enjoy the challenge of flight photography and the faster the subject the more I seem to enjoy it.
I stayed for about ten minutes snapping as they went past every so often before I had to hit the road again before being late to meet up with Jon further south.
When I got home and check the results I have to say was rather pleased with the results!