2011 News

What a Weekend - Part 2

Waxwing, Ballycastle
Homely Delights
After Friday's success Saturday was going to be much quieter. My wife was going shopping so I wasn't going to get far!

I didn't need to. In the afternoon I heard the distinct trilling calls of more Waxwings - twenty of them on the trees outside my house. My son and I were able to watched them out the window "flycatching" - taking off from their perch chasing insects before returning to their branch. I surprised there were many insects about given the cool, grey, misty conditions, but they stayed for the afternoon and returned on Sunday.

We were also able to watch them drinking from the puddles in the grassy area in front of the houses and occasionally pick off some of the last berries in the gardens.

I managed to get a couple of shots in the late afternoon, but only using a little flash to brighten them up in the gathering gloom.