2010 News
One Legged Gull

One legged Mediterranean Gull, Portrush
Scarce Gulls Remain Portrush
The rare Ring billed Gull and scarce 2nd winter Mediterranean gull remain at the East Strand car park in Portrush, coming to bread and other scraps.
Interestingly the Med Gull only has one leg though this doesn’t seem to hamper it too much when flying in and picking up food off the ground on the wing. When coming into to rest it was seen to get blown over by the reasonably strong westerly wind.
Unfortunately there was no sign of the Waxwings in Portrush or Ballycastle though they could still be present. A single Twite was on the beach at Ballintoy.
Interestingly the Med Gull only has one leg though this doesn’t seem to hamper it too much when flying in and picking up food off the ground on the wing. When coming into to rest it was seen to get blown over by the reasonably strong westerly wind.
Unfortunately there was no sign of the Waxwings in Portrush or Ballycastle though they could still be present. A single Twite was on the beach at Ballintoy.