2010 News
Summer Meets Winter - Part 1

Willow Warbler, Portna, River Bann
Fine Late Summers Day in North Ulster
News of five Ospreys on the River Bann made me change my plans to visit Rathlin Island. I arrived on the river south of Kilrea before 8am with the area shrouded in mist and the sun beginning to burn through. An hour later was a fine summer morning the river surface like a mirror reflecting the clear blue sky. Unfortunately there were no Ospreys in either the sky or the river.
However in exploring the river banks on foot and bicycle produced at least four Kingfishers, two Dipper, singing Willow Warbers and Chiffchaffs and a male Blackcap. Over the river hawked 3 late Swifts feeding up before making the long journey south for the winter. Swallows and Sand Martins were also present in good numbers.
The stretch of river at Portna is a lovely walk with a lot of wildlife potential, and is an area I will explore further in the future.
However in exploring the river banks on foot and bicycle produced at least four Kingfishers, two Dipper, singing Willow Warbers and Chiffchaffs and a male Blackcap. Over the river hawked 3 late Swifts feeding up before making the long journey south for the winter. Swallows and Sand Martins were also present in good numbers.
The stretch of river at Portna is a lovely walk with a lot of wildlife potential, and is an area I will explore further in the future.