2010 News
Ankle Injury Curtails Photography

Hunting Moorland Hawker
A Whole Week with Barely a Photograph!
An Ankle injury sustained at a sport event last weekend has left me pretty much immobilised this week as I try speed the recovery process.
Plans to get into the mountains to find and photography the rare Bog Orchid have been put on hold. With a few days off coming up in a couple of weeks I am keen to recovered and get back out soon.
This unfortunate incident has however given me a chance to update my website further. New Irish Stoat and Jay galleries have been added to the My Favourates category and in total more than 40 new photographs have been uploaded to a wide range of galleries - there are more butterflies and dragonflies and off course plenty of new bird photos added. Some species have been updated with new photos which I hope look better on screen.
Please feel free to have a look through some of the existing and new galleries and remember if there are any images you would like to purchase as a print for yourself or as present for a loved one please let me know.
Attached is a photograph of a Moorland Hawker in flight which has been added to the Dragonflies Gallery.
Plans to get into the mountains to find and photography the rare Bog Orchid have been put on hold. With a few days off coming up in a couple of weeks I am keen to recovered and get back out soon.
This unfortunate incident has however given me a chance to update my website further. New Irish Stoat and Jay galleries have been added to the My Favourates category and in total more than 40 new photographs have been uploaded to a wide range of galleries - there are more butterflies and dragonflies and off course plenty of new bird photos added. Some species have been updated with new photos which I hope look better on screen.
Please feel free to have a look through some of the existing and new galleries and remember if there are any images you would like to purchase as a print for yourself or as present for a loved one please let me know.
Attached is a photograph of a Moorland Hawker in flight which has been added to the Dragonflies Gallery.