2010 News
Co Down Trip to Bee Orchid Site

Bee Orchid, Killard, Co Down
Killard Nature Reserve
This morning I had to travel to Co Down but had a free hour so I took a minor detour to Killard Nature Reserve in the hope of photographing one of Northern Irelands most beautiful orchids - the Bee Orchid. Bee Orchids are very rare in north Antrim only known from one coastal site, and as yet this year I haven't located them.
I had successfully photographed this species here last year but I could resist a return trip to try and improve on my photographs. I quicly found them in the same area as last year though there appeared to be fewer in flower. In contrast Pyramidal Orchids were in abundance throughout the dunes, many just coming into full flower.
Common Blue butterflies were quite abundant as were Meadow Browns and a few Small Heath were seen.
I had successfully photographed this species here last year but I could resist a return trip to try and improve on my photographs. I quicly found them in the same area as last year though there appeared to be fewer in flower. In contrast Pyramidal Orchids were in abundance throughout the dunes, many just coming into full flower.
Common Blue butterflies were quite abundant as were Meadow Browns and a few Small Heath were seen.