2011 News

It’s a Family Affair

Coal Tits this Close Will Entertain Anyone
Starting them Young
I have started my annual routine of setting up a couple of feeding stations in the north Antrim area to keep me entertained through the winter months. Each year I try to pick somewhere new so birds and other wildlife don’t become overly dependent upon the food I put out to attract them.

This year I have chosen a local oakwood and a forestry plantation, just see what different species they would attract in. A wonderful spell of weather last weekend meant that I could spend a few hours in one of hides on Saturday afternoon, when the light would be at its best. However I also was looking after my 3 year old so I thought it was about time he started to learn a bit of hide etiquette.

We arrived and began to put out some food in front of the small two person hide (two very small, close persons!) and within seconds the birds began to gather around. The Coal Tits were the first to arrive as always at this site. There are at least 15 visiting the feeding station at the moment. Then came a few Great Tits and Blue Tits followed by Chaffinches and a Dunnock.

The birds quickly clear the food put out, at the moment they are caching most of it for winter, hiding it in any nooks and crannies they can find. I had a few more peanuts in pocket so we set them right in front of the hide. For the next ten minute my three year old and I were enthralled by watching Coal Tits only inches from faces. It is the quietest I think he has ever been!

Not want to push my luck too much I decided to set off back home to the welcome request, “We come back again later Daddy”.