2011 News

A Bird Almost in the Hand

Barnacle Goose - but from where?
Born Free?
Closer to home this weekend, but the clear and calm weather on Saturday afternoon made for an enjoyable couple of hours with the camera.

The early morning greyness and drizzle cleared quickly so I went down the east Antrim coast to check a few of the rivers I have been watching, in hope of finding signs of Otters and other wildlife.

I was very surprised to find a Barnacle Goose feeding with feral Geese close to a coastal village, but was even more surprised when a local group of people with bread appeared it wandered over to them to feed. The bird was not ringed and can fly happily around the bay. Apparently it appeared just over a week ago after stormy weather. So is it wild? Surely a wild Barnacle Goose wouldn't come to bread?

Well you might think not, but on a nearby river a Goosander is now doing the same thing! I was amazed when this fish eating species joined the local Mallards in the fight for bread, coming to within a few inches of my hand.

A wonderful opportunity to see and photograph these amazing birds up close. Check out my latest images for more photographs.